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Speakers Program

470 Speakers Program Items found:      Showing Speakers Program Items 451 - 470

Feedback Session on our Strategic Plan

Open forum- feedback session on the Club's Strategic Plan

please note that this meeting is a working lunch. There will be a buffet lunch available from 12.50pm in order that we can commence on time.

Allan Hine - Behind the Badge

Person Behind the Badge - Allan Hine

Allan gave a very interesting talk about his experience in the Airline Industry with Cathay Pacific and in particular the cargo side of things.

Cathay Pacific converted a fleet of 747-400 & 747-800 passenger planes into cargo planes.  The first thing they did to these aircraft was to take the paint off as the paint weighed around 800kg, however this caused corrosion issues and therefore a layer of varnish had to be applied anyway.  The planes need to open at the nose to fit in longer items as well as side doors for taller items.  Specialist loading machinery is required worth around $700K. 



Changeover Dinner- Graduate House

New Club President Ian Ada congratulated Past President Janet on her wonderful year, and expressed hope that she will be joining us again very soon. Ian thanked DGE Julie and AG Don Heath and Glenis for sharing this event with us and performing the duties they have. He noted that Club Visioning Day gave us a wonderful opportunity to focus on a few key things that we all think are critical to our future viability and growth.


Des Jones

Organ Donation A potential yet to be realised?

Des started his talk with a select brief history of organ donation. A second century text describes the switching of hearts by a Chinese surgeon. In 300 AD Saint Cosmos reputedly replaced a leg of a white religious man. In 1200 AD Saint Anthony of Padua re attached the foot of a young man. In 1818 the first human Blood Transfusion was performed. In 1902 the Blood Groups A, B, O and AB were discovered by a German Scientist. In Australia in early 1940 we began corneal transplants and in 1986 performed the first successful heart/lung transplant


Noor Shah

Dr. Noor Shah gave a summary of Health projects.

He currently manages two sub branches of the Health System

56 employees in 11 departments of MOPH/ GAVI  and 140 employees in 28 provinces of Afghanistan/ GF. A total amount of USD twenty Million Dollars millions has been allocated by the Global fund for four interventions over two years



Justin Wibrow - "Building mentoring within your Club"

Justin Wibrow spoke on Yarra Bend Rotary’s Vocational aims is to:

  • ensure the vocational avenue of service is a prominent, engaging and worthwhile component of our club culture
  • lead a select number of meaningful, outcomes based and newsworthy projects that contribute to our club’s continued growth and success
  • ensure the vocational avenue of service is an integral part of the value proposition for new members and current member’s alike
  • vocational projects and activities facilitate members sharing and imparting their existing skills and knowledge whilst acquiring new ones

"They have the rod. Let’s teach them how to use it so they may catch fish,  perhaps they may inspire others to catch fish too"

 A project breeds a project

  • In 2011 the Yarra Bend Rotary (formerly Rotary Club of Kew on Yarra) commenced a project to mobilise its Members to meet and fulfill the ever present demand for Mentoring in the community. It was the Club’s position that if this project was to succeed Members would need to be ‘mentor ready’
  • To ensure Members were ‘Mentor ready and capable’ the Building and Realising Mentor Capability program was developed

The aim of this program is to:

  • introduce Mentoring within a framework that allows Members, that in most cases possess extensive informal mentoring experience, to formalise their knowledge
  • providing Members with an opportunity to develop an informed position on how Mentoring will operate both in terms of Governance and Approach for their relevant projects, it Members and the Club

Rev Dr Colin Hunter,

Message for the Festive Season

Aviva Kippen introduced the Reverend Dr Colin Hunter. Colin a Baptist Minister has very much enjoyed the journey supervising Aviva a Jewish Rabbi in her Doctoral Thesis. Colin is a Director of The Melbourne College of Divinity, is a cellist and barracks for Essendon.


Board Reports

John Liddell - Energy Freedom - Possible or Pipe Dream

John from Beyond Zero Emissions Presented THE Zero Carbon Australia  Buildings Plan

The plans to date prepared or coming in the future are the:

  • Stationary Energy Plan
  • Buildings Plan
  • Transport Plan (inc High Speed Rail Report)
  • Land Use Plan
  • Industrial  Processes Plan
  • Renewable Energy Superpower Plan

Eamonn Kelly-- The Law and How it Works

Eamonn Kelly is a Judge’s Associate. He spoke about how the workings of courts are portrayed in the news and in fiction compared to how they work in reality. 


Board Reports

Board Reports

Prakash Raniga

Prakash Raniga- Person behind the Badge

Prakash re joined the Rotary Club of Carlton as his current club was not growing and the Carlton Club seemed more dynamic. Not being in court as much as he used to be has allowed him more time to attend a lunch meeting. 


Easter Tuesday -No Meeting

Easter Tuesday- No Meeting

470 Speakers Program Items found:      Showing Speakers Program Items 451 - 470