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Rev Dr Colin Hunter,

Aviva Kippen introduced the Reverend Dr Colin Hunter. Colin a Baptist Minister has very much enjoyed the journey supervising Aviva a Jewish Rabbi in her Doctoral Thesis. Colin is a Director of The Melbourne College of Divinity, is a cellist and barracks for Essendon.

Colin described the work he does in churches with refugees and described a picture of him as a ten year old, walking from a ship at Station Pier, with his kit and a cello describing himself as a refugee. He described the language in the media about refugees as truly appalling, noting the media was not fit to address the issues.

Colin has done his research at the Baptist College of Victoria, commonly known as “the donut”, where he has explored the idea of margins from the context of the essential human condition. This part of the church is very competitive and it is essential to publish or you will perish. Colin has worked with people who were to be ordained and also at a local church level noting the differences. The program had given him credibility through prost graduate study

Colin explored the idea of “Phenomenology”. Through experience, how do we know what we think we know? He has worked with candidates through questionnaires, conversation and case studies, posing to them the question what is it like, then asking them to represent it in some form of art, notably poetry. To process the experience of life, as inter-subjective communal beings. He noted the response received from Aviva was outstanding. He summarized this as a revelation of self, knowing thy self and experiencing through valid learning, ethical, analytical and valid viewpoints.

On a lighter note Collin was a lighthouse engineer for twenty years, which he loved, being drawn to the clergy however was a true calling. 

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