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Leslie Aldor

 Leslie Aldor – Enabled Quality Living  (EQL)

 Enabled Quality Living is a Melbourne based consultancy committed to assisting people who require housing constructed for their needs.  Leslie said that one in five Australians have some sort or another and there is a high demand for specialised housing,  construction cost is a factor as disability often equates with reduced income. Recently EQL worked with Watersun, a Melbourne based property company established in 1996.  Originally they built residential housing but have now expanded considerably and have recently created a new division in catering for special needs housing.  Leslie said he and Benny Aroni from Watersun were inspired by the Lyn Rowe Project.  Lyn Rowe was  severely affected by  the drug Thalidomide when she was born nearly 50 years ago and has since then been cared for by her parents.   Their house was becoming impractical for Lyn’s needs.  Watersun designed, built and donated to Lyn a house which caters for her needs now and for the future.  Leslie said the experience has been rewarding for all connected with it.  Leslie said funding for such housing is tight, the NDIS doesn’t have a focus on housing for the disabled, however state and local governments are interested in adapting existing structures.

 Another guest on Tuesday was Rev. Dr.  John Evans from the Church of All Nations in Carlton who accepted an Award for Outstanding Community Leader and spoke briefly on the work of the church with the local community.  He said that Carlton was a great and diverse community with some problems, 70% of all housing is rental and there are a large number of migrants and refugees, especially from the Horn of Africa

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