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Bron Williams

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Bronwyn Williams - Bias Specialist

Over 30 years’ experience across the education and not-for-profit sectors, Bronwyn has developed an ability to work with people to bring out their full potential from teaching children with special needs and leading a school to managing a Salvation Army Centre.

Bronwyn believes we do not question bias as it is ingrained as part of who we are.  In times of crisis people act in a bias way and often to a group of privilege people. When we recognise a bias we can work on it and make a change.

Bronwyn spent time in Nauru with asylum seekers and being with people from different countries it dawned on her that she had inherited a white privilege that coloured her thinking and this was something she needed to address.

Bias influences the way we act and impacts on all arears of our lives, limits our ability to make informed decisions and Bronwyn believes it can become a self-fulfilling prophesy.

The benefits of working with Bias is that it could increase financial returns, improve staff and customer relations and improve decision making.

There are hidden bias in many organisations and businesses and Bronwyn suggests that we should be aware of these bias and address them by shifting cultures and language, particularly in our documentation.

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