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Prof Rosemary Sheehan

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Her published research covers a range of areas: child welfare and the law, family violence, mental health, judicial and corrections responses to offenders, with particular reference to women offenders and social work curricula.  These, she said, are mainly areas of misery.

Although COVID-19 has affected everyone,  it has also highlighted the situation of disadvantaged and vulnerable  children and the impact COVID-19 isolation has had on them.  The government requirement for remote learning during periods of lockdown has exacerbated their situation.  Many of them live in the high rise social housing towers in Carlton and Fitzroy.  Job losses are a major factor for their parents. Their schools offer free breakfast programs, some also free lunches which they now can’t access. They also offer a safe place.   Remote learning requires a computer or iPad and internet connection.  Local schools distributed as many as they had and charities such as The Smith Family distributed packs which had a device and an internet connection but complex factors such as size of the family home, family income, parents already stressed, malnourishment, all mean the education of these children is impacted and could lead to entrenched mental and physical disadvantage. 

Professor Sheehan said there have been some remarkable responses to the crisis from service clubs and charities and requirements for further aid projects/programs will ongoing .

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