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Warwick Cavell

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Warwick Cavell (PP) and 9800 District Vocational Director agreed to facilitate the workshop to explore a 3 Year Strategy Plan for the Rotary Club of Carlton.  Prior to the meeting Warwick raised four questions to be considered.  Q1 What would be the new normal, Q2 what would we want people to be talking about the Club in three years’ time, Q3 what would we need to change about the Club and Q4 what would we retain.

Due to time constraints Warwick started with Q2.  Members provided a number of views and the list included such comments as a friendly and a respected club within the community, a club with a diverse range of experience working in partnership with a local community groups and taking major steps to a lower age demographic of the club.

Q3 was then discussed and members were asked as to what we would need to change to get the results identified in Q2. Twenty four suggestions were listed as changes that should be considered to enable the Club to be to be in a good positon in three years’ time.  These suggestions included a less structured meeting, including changed meeting times, the use of technology and social media to increase the reach of the club. Other suggestions included that the Club encourages closer links with the University and Hospitals in the area and should plan for one key project for the year.

At the end of the session each member was asked to identify three points that the Club needed to focus on, the list was long.

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