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Paul Rake

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Currently one of its projects comprises a humanitarian project in the Cambodian village of La'ak

This is being achieved in 3 ways i.e.  Skills Transfer, Humanitarian and Cultural exchanges and Hands on Working Tours.  Usually participants spend 2 weeks there.

He demonstrated this project with an excellent slide presentation showing how a big difference is being made

The villagers are subject to endure extreme poverty.   Primitive living conditions/shelter, lack of food/ poor nutrition, water contamination, limited education facilities and family violence.

One major part of the project was to clean out the village storage dam of pollutants and weeds before building foundations to enable a solid facility to be completed for future water catchment. Water facilities were also further improved by donating water filters, pumps and tanks to the villagers. Galvanised iron roofing was also provided to improve the living conditions

Good vegetable gardens are being encouraged to provide better nutrition and mothers are being taught sewing skills.

With teacher mentoring and exchanges being provided students at school have been able to learn hygiene, music as well as other subjects.  Thongs had to be provided as children had no shoes.

The villagers are so appreciative of the projects work to date

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