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Amanda Kraus PhD

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Dr Amanda Krause is a post-doctoral research fellow at The University of Melbourne. She is interested in the social and applied psychology of music, and her most recent research projects concern how everyday music experiences influence older people’s well-being.

 Presentation title:

‘Radio listening for well-being in later life’

 Presentation synopsis:

Can listening to the radio combat loneliness and depression amongst older people? Does what is played on the radio make a difference?

Previous research indicates that the benefits of participating in music-making opportunities include reducing depression and anxiety symptoms and offers opportunities for social interaction. This new research, funded by the Community Broadcasting Foundation, considers whether listening can do the same, focusing on the radio, as a familiar, longstanding technology which offers people both information and entertainment.  An in-depth understanding of older Australians’ everyday radio listening practices has broader implications when considering how the radio might be used as a widely-accessed, low-cost tool for enhancing quality of later life across Australia.

For more information, and to participate in the research project, please visit:

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