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Stephen Peterson

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Stephen Peterson is a qualified lawyer who also worked as a corporate public relations consultant, has spent nine years of his life in Japan, including eight and a half years continuously in the 1990s.  He married there, raised a family, set up two small businesses, made numerous friends and had a thoroughly enjoyable time.

Japan is an increasingly popular tourist destination. Travel brochures with all the usual images of modern Japan abound. but there is far more to the real Japan than travellers will ever see in the glossy pictures.  Some points for the traveller to know when planning a trip, English is not widely spoken, apart from Kyoto, Japan used to be expensive but now is more affordable, it’s a safe country. Travellers can stay at a traditional Ryokan where there is always a lobby where shoes are to be left and there are special slippers for the toilet.  Gift giving is a part of life in Japan and beautifully wrapped gifts are everywhere.  Vending machines are also everywhere in Japan, selling a wide variety of  hot and cold drinks and snacks.  7- Eleven convenience stores  (55,000 of them) selling food, prepared meals, tickets and almost everything you could want are part of every neighbourhood and a focus of Japanese everyday life. Stephen spoke about the Pachinko pinball parlours, the many festivals celebrated throughout the year, the shrines and temples and some unusual aspects of Japan like the Love hotels.

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