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Heather Ellis

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Ubuntu means a bond that joins us all in friendship.

She commenced her journey in the Kakadu and thought wouldn’t it be great to ride a Motorcycle across Africa.

No, internet, no gun but greatest weapon was her smile then her off she road one her motorcycle.

In Africa she started off from Nairobi.

She then went on to the Silk Road and wrote her second book. Still trying to find her meaning in life.

Journey ended in Vietnam.

Now lives in Healesville. Married with 3 boys. Would love to cycle through South America.

Still lives with spirit of Ubuntu!

Parents had a sheep farm in outback and that’s where she learned to ride the bike.

Also 9 years at Ranger Mine in NT.

She wrote things down as she travelled. Always loved reading.

It was a spiritual wakening for her so drove her to write the book.

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