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Craig Chester and Maureen O'Dwyer

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PP Craig has celebrated being an architect for 30 years. His career took him to Sydney where he opened an office to his offices in Collingwood and now Richmond. In 2007, he completed a Masters of Architecture with a major in Sustainability. Craig is involved in corporate, non for profit, church and other community activities that makes him a busy person.


PP Maureen O'Dwyer shares with us the fact that he makes a couple of travels a year. She shared the last 2.

First was in Africa where she got up at 5am to go and enjoy her love of wild animals. Being surprise by them suddenly appear is all the fun. She travelled from Botswana, the Delta and a bit of Kenya.

The second was in America where she went with an American friend. She went to Oregon to Baker City, a city of the gold rush with reminders of it through wagons stories. Then she went to Unity in the middle of nowhere. She drove the highway 101 like our Great Ocean Road during the fire season. She didn't encounter fire but could smell the smoke. SHe enjoyed San Francisco, the politeness of drivers and the turnout every 4km so she didn't have to drive fast and block other cars.



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