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Alan Seale—Vocational Service: The New Vision

The Committee is trying to make Vocational Service different. Previously it has lacked a clear identity. This area of activity tended to advertise club-based programs, with nothing much for the District as a whole. It needed a rethink.

Rather than have Vocational Service as 1 of 4 avenues of service, the Committee is proposing to place it behind everything else that Rotary does. Members use their vocational skills to facilitate the other areas of service.

The District’s plan involves: 1. District Vocational Skills Bank; 2. District Vocational Project Database; 3. Database of best practice club-based programs; 4. Promotion of ethics through all vocational training; 5. “Rotary Skills in Action” recognition; 6 Speakers on vocational topics; 7. Leadership events.

It is proposed that Club vocational service chairs stay in the role for 3 years. They will be the go-to person who will have a knowledge of the vocational skills of each member which can contribute to projects. There will also be sharing of ideas and resources across clubs.

Progress so far has involved: launch of the “Skills in Action” logo; kicked off Skillsbank at Hobart Conference; resolved privacy policy issues around the Skillsbank; progressed Skillsbank discussion with District IT experts around integration with District systems.

Alan asked RC of Carlton to think about having a Skillsbank of its own.

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