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Janet Ferguson

President Janet Ferguson  

Outline of Club Plans for 2013

Janet gave us an outline of her plans for the club during her presidency as follows:

Growth of membership, expanding the mentor role and engaging  membership.

Increasing attention to members – welfare.

Caring for Carlton continues and expanding it in areas where we can.

Continue recognition for Community Leaders.

Assist individuals to participate more fully in society and encourage high ethical standards, develop youth services to assist youth with learning and leadership skills.

Provide grant for books /uniforms to two Yr 10 students from disadvantaged backgrounds to enable them to remain at school and complete Yr 11/12.

Volunteer tutoring of migrants – share our language and culture skills.

Volunteering support to stroke victims.

International plans include Cambodia, Afghanistan. Exploring the possibility of developing a link with Princes Hill Secondary College, assisting students to raise money, provide needed items and assist in packing  a container.  This is seen as a possible ongoing project.

All of these projects are dependant upon raising sufficient funds. The following are potential fund raising events:



Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner

Film Night

Trivia Night

Dine-Outs    first function a Dinner at Il Vicollo Restaurant in Carlton in early September.

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