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Bob Slater

The standard term of service during the Vietnam War was only 1 year, with members sent over in a trickle flow.  Bob's term of Vietnam was from May 1968 to May 1969.  Due to the nature of the trickle flow, as soldiers left Vietnam, remaining soldiers shuffled up the line into more senior positions.  As a result, Bob held four different jobs during his 12 months.

Bob saw some active service but spent most of his time in the Engineering department.  They were responsible for building roads, airports, bases, hospitals etc.  They obeyed all relevant building codes but did not have to worry about council regulations and permit issues, they also had a workforce willing to work 6 1/2 days a week for them and no concern of industrial disputes, so they were able to get work done very efficiently.  Bob had 8 bulldozers and 30 plant operators under his command.

The soldiers didn't know what to do with themselves for the 1/2 day off and many went into the local community to help out.  Bob taught English but many others were tradies so assisted with fixing buildings.

Bob's memories of Vietnam revolve around freedom of activity and comradeship.



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