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Michael Williams—Experiences at National Youth Science Forum

Michael’s favourite subject is chemistry and he wants to study science at University of Melbourne or ANU. He outlined how he got selected to attend NYSF as part of a chemistry group.

Michael described the various activities that comprised the NYSF:

  • Visiting labs, including the ACT water treatment plant, the Tidbinbilla space tracking station, and the ANU chemistry department. This gave an opportunity to see a range of career options.
  • Debates and forums. Students were posed questions such as “how should science be run in Australia?” and had good discussions around these. They also got to meet some top scientists and got an insight into what they do.
  • Workshops that dealt with skills beyond science knowledge, like communication and public speaking. There was also a useful workshop on Year 12 and study options beyond.
  • Science dinners and ceremonies. There was an opening at Parliament House. Local Rotarians hosted a dinner. Speakers at such functions included the Chief Scientist and the head of aeronautical engineering. A favourite was the Science Dinner where students got to sit at the same table as top scientists.
  • Home hospitality. Students got to stay for a while with a Rotary or NYSF family. This gave a time to relax after a busy schedule.
  • Social life. Students got to stay in a University residential college and made lots of friends with whom they will keep in contact. There was also a disco where students dressed in science-themed costumes.
  • Sightseeing, including the National Portrait Gallery, National Museum, Black Mountain, which gave experiences outside of science.

Michael said that the main gains for him in attending NYSF were:

  • Increased confidence
  • Better public speaking
  • Making lifelong friends
  • Good memories
  • New perspectives on the future (Year 12, University and beyond)

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