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Orygen Youth Health Peer Support Program

Guest Speakers: Mel Thurley and Carla Frost “Orygen Youth Health Peer Support Program”

Introduced by: Tony Jorm

This team plays an integral role in assisting current clients on their recovery journey and helping them to feel valued as individuals.

The purpose of the peer support program is to:

  • Instil hope in young people experiencing mental illness
  • Support clients to engage in their recovery process
  • Provide access to psycho-education resources
  • Reduce the trauma, disorientation, and boredom associated with being admitted to the inpatient unit

Peer support workers

  • Visit young people who have been admitted to the inpatient unit where they run group activities in-order to break the boredom of the ward, provide clients with a positive avenue of social interaction with someone non clinical and from their own age group, provide meaningful psycho-education, support clients to make use of services offered, share their own stories and listen to clients
  • Staff the Drop In Room which is a recovery orientated, youth friendly space at the Outpatient site
  • Advocate for clients
  • Encourage Youth Participation

Common topics discussed with clients are; medication/other treatments, social & coping strategies, discharge from the service, family/relationships, drugs/alcohol, work/study, activities outside the service, groups program, Youth Participation Program and the complaints/feedback process.

Peer Support workers are recruited from clients who want to use their experience to help others, are discharged from Orygen or approaching discharge, can demonstrate capability in supporting others and can commit to attending training, rostered shifts and monthly supervision.

Peer support workers undergo extensive training and are well supported and supervised in their roles. Tony Jorm, on behalf of the club, presented a $1000 cheque to Mel and Carla to further this important work.

For more information, visit Orygen Youth Health

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