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Latest News In Our Community

85 Latest News In Our Community Items found:      Showing Latest News In Our Community Items 51 - 75

Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre

We're busy getting ready for Term 3. Take a look at our new brochure to find out what's on at CNLC.



For 60 years AMES has helped new and recently arrived refugees and migrants to settle in to Victoria. AMES offers much more than just teaching English – we not only work with new arrivals but also with the community, business and Government to develop sustainable and effective settlement solutions for the whole Victorian community.

Our vision is “Full Participation for all in a cohesive and diverse society.”


Carlton Community Website

The not-for-profit Carlton Community Website is an initiative of the Carlton Together Working Group - Opportunities for Carlton Project. The community website enables the coordination of information, events and discussions across Carlton and creates a digital meeting space for the community.


The World Next Door, showcasing the amazing work of asylum seeker Naser Moradi

The Mercy Hub are thrilled to announce the new dates for our art exhibition 'The World Next Door', showcasing the amazing work of asylum seeker Naser Moradi.

Opening night will have guest speakers including comedian and refugee advocate Tom Ballard, as well as canapés and live music. Bookings required for Opening Night only.  Bookings - ​

Postcards of Naser's work will be available for purchase throughout the event.
We can not wait to welcome you down at The Hub!

Rotary Christmas Cakes and Puddings

Delicious traditional Rum and Brandy Fruit Cake, 1Kg traditional Steamed Pudding, and Traditional Baked Puddings all available to order now to raise funds for The Rotary Foundation


3rd Tuesday's Evening Meetings at Naughtons

Join us on the 3rd Tuesday of the month for our informal meetings at Naughton's Hotel, 43 Royal Parade Parkville.  We meet at 6:30 for an informal dinner in the function room.  All are welcome.

Women in Rotary

Women in Rotary-Rotary in Australia and New Zealand does not currently reflect, in its membership, the diversity of the communities in which it operates and serves. The role of Women in Rotary is to address one of the key areas of membership diversity - gender equity - and work with Membership and Marketing and Public Relations Committees within Districts to develop plans that will increase membership and retention of women in Rotary and to support initiatives that promote female leaders at both Club and District levels.​


Carlton Local Agencies Network

A new partnership between The Carlton Local Agencies Network (of which Carlton Rotary is a member). This paves the way for collaborative initiatives, better use of collective resources and closer engagement with the Carlton community.


Curry Off

Open day at CNLC for Neighbourhood week and Eid - Cook your favorite curry and win a trophy - Guest Judges - Children's Activities, music & food


Paul Carlin Community Leadership Award

The Rotary Club of Carlton recognises the outstanding work of these dedicated leaders:

2018     Natalie Warren, Kathleen Syme Community Centre

2019     Maree Rebach, MCC & St Vincent de Paul 

2020     Khanya Ibrahim, Harari Women’s Group

2021     Alison Beck, Carlton North Railway Neighbourhood House 

Rev Max Griffiths MBE - Gentle Remembrance

It is a fitting tribute to our club member, the late Rev Max Griffiths on his passing on 13th September 2021, that we quote from his own book on death, divorce, disease and other life challenges, "How to Say Goodbye"; first published in 2003. 

"Life has led Max Griffiths into a wide range of experiences, from labouring in an engineering factory, to confronting the devastation of Darwin caused by Cyclone Tracy, to tackling the problems of people living in isolation of outback Australia.  A graduate of Melbourne University in Commerce, Arts and Divinity, he was a minister in the Presbyterian and Uniting Churches for almost 40 years, for eleven of them as superintendent of the Australian Inland Mission. In 1978 he was awarded the MBE for services to the outback...”

“At many times in our lives we have to say goodbye to people, to places, to phases we pass through.  Often this is a painful experience, sometimes seemingly impossible.  At other times we say goodbye with relief.

“Both in his personal and professional life Max Griffiths has been confronted with death, divorce, job loss, parting with children, and similar crises.  In How to Say Goodbye Griffiths tells how he and people he knows have managed to say goodbye and yet retain the legacy of a gentle remembrance."

Ever gracious, Max had omitted from his book that even throughout his many challenges he had continued serving the community in many humanitarian capacities. He was councillor of Ormond College, Morongo College, Geelong College and Rossbourne House, and on the board of the Austin Hospital as well as being chairman of the Austin Hospital Human Ethics and Medical Research Committee. He also sat on the boards of the Royal Melbourne, Royal Children’s and Freemasons Hospitals Ethics Committees. Max was also advisor to the Commonwealth Gene Technology Regulator, and Chairman of Norwon Association.  

In Papua New Guinea, Max and his wife Merrilyn, pioneered a mobile health and educational unit for 20 villages. They supported five girls financially to attend universities, put four girls through secondary education and sixty children from a village located on a rubbish tip through primary school.

Rotarian Max has left a lasting gentle remembrance of all he was and has done in living a life devoted to his calling and purpose.  

He was truly a Rotarian who exemplified our Rotary mottos of Service Above Self and in Doing Good in the World wherever his faith led him.

Goodbye Max. We will ever gently remember. 


Ronald McDonald House-Parkville

Our House becomes a home away from home for families who have a child being treated for a serious or life threatening illness.
Staff and volunteers attend to the daily operation of the House and ensure families are given the support they need during their stay with us, enabling families to stay together as a unit in a warm and caring homelike environment during this very emotional time.
Our families travel from all over including country Victoria, interstate, metropolitan Melbourne and overseas.


Interplast Australia

Interplast’s intentions are simple. We exist to repair bodies and rebuild lives.


Donations In Kind

A Donations In Kind (DIK) project is often the most practical and cost effective way to help people in developing countries and it also provides excellent opportunities to help local communities.

 It provides Rotarians, the Public and Corporate Sector with the chance to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people who need our help.


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